With PhotoBiz, you can easily share client galleries, forms, and blog posts directly from your account. When you send these items using an email invite, you can track the status of each invitation, including who received it, whether it bounced, and who has opened the email. This guide will show you how to check the status of your email invitations.
Please note: If the recipient has previously unsubscribed from your email list, they will not receive your email invitation.
Log into your PhotoBiz account and click on CONTACTS on the left-side menu.
In the Search box at the top right corner of your Contacts, enter your client's name or email.
Click on your Contact's Email Address in the list of search results.
Click on EMAIL INVITATIONS in the list of contact details for your contact.
In this section, you can check the status of your email invitations for this contact. You can sort your email invitations by Type and Year, making it easy to find specific invitations you’ve sent. You can also view the Sent Date and Status of the email invitation to see if it has been sent, delivered, or opened.