With PhotoBiz ECommerce, if you're selling anything through your site that requires delivery or pick-up, you'll want to create shipping methods in the ecommerce control panel. These can include anything from free in-studio pick up, flat rate fees, or % based shipping methods using your carrier of choice. The shipping methods you make available to your clients will automatically appear during the check out process and calculate the totals based on what you enter on your account. This guide will walk you through the steps of adding a shipping method to your PhotoBiz ECommerce.
Log into your PhotoBiz account and click on the ECOMMERCE tab in the left side menu.
This will allow you to access the ECommerce control panel for your PhotoBiz account.
Click on the PAYMENT tab at the top of the screen, then choosing SHIPPING in the drop-down menu.
Click on the NEW SHIPPING METHOD button.
Here you can enter the name of your shipping method, such as USPS or free pick up in studio. The shipping method is visible at checkout for your customer. If you have multiple shipping methods, your customer will be required to choose one.
The description is optional, but can be used to enter more information to display to your client about the shipping method. For example, you can set expectations about the timeline for their items to arrive.
Price allows you to set the amount to charge for the shipping method. There are 2 different options for setting your shipping price.
- Flat shipping. Set a flat dollar amount, everyone will be charged the same amount.
- Percentage shipping. Charge a percentage of the order total along with a minimum to make sure you cover your shipping costs.
In individual products you also have the ability to set additional shipping charges, and therefore from the shipping methods area, you also have the option to exclude additional shipping charges by choosing yes or no.
You can set up multiple shipping methods if you wish to allow your customer to choose how they will receive their shipment (e.g., mail, pick up in studio.)
After you choose all the settings, click add shipping option.