Log into your PhotoBiz account and click on MARKETING in the left-side menu.
In the Email Campaigns section, click on the name of the campaign you want to send or create a new campaign.
Update the email content to align with your current campaign needs. Customize the colors, text, and images to match your brand. If you're unsure what to say, click PhotoBiz AI and let it assist you in crafting compelling content.
Once complete, click on SEND at the top right of your email campaign.
Choose Who Is Going To Receive Your Email Campaign
This section allows you to choose who will and will not be on the list of email addresses to receive your email marketing message. There are two (2) sections that you can use to organize your campaign, which is SELECT CONTACTS and EXCLUDE CONTACTS.
Select Contacts allows you to send emails to any of the following:
- All Contacts - your entire database of contacts
- By Type - You will choose either customers, leads, vendors, or any combination of the three. Contacts are designated as customers if they order from your e-commerce. Contacts are designated leads if they submit a form. Contacts are designated vendors if you create them with that designation (or edit an existing contact to give it that designation). You can change any contact's type in your Contacts tool.
Guide: How to edit a contact
- By Tag - You can choose to select contacts by tag. Tags can be added to a contact entry manually or automatically applied to a contact if they submit a form that has been tagged by you in the Form tool. When you select by tag, you will see a list of your tags and be able to choose one or many of your tags by clicking the check box to the left of a tag.
Guide: How to use Form Tags
Guide: How to Tag Contacts
- Custom - You can choose to send to a custom list of emails. These can be emails that exist or do not exist in your Contacts tool. If they don't exist in your Contacts tool, a Contact will be created for the new email automatically. If you have a large list of emails, you can import them all at once.
Guide: How To Import Email Lists with a .CSV file
Excluding contacts ensures that any contact in a specific TAG or TYPE of client are left off your email list and allows you to segment your lists further for more targeted email campaigns. For example, if you're sending out a promotion for Leads specifically, you can exclude Customers and Vendors.
Please note that any unsubscribed or non-deliverable (bounced) emails will automatically be left off your email campaign.
After you've selected the contacts you'd like to send your campaign to, you'll need to complete the sender info. You can set the following options before sending your campaign:
FROM NAME: The name that will display as who sent the email to the recipient.
FROM EMAIL ADDRESS: The email address that will receive any replies to the email campaign.
EMAIL SUBJECT: The Email Subject line that will appear in the inbox of the recipient.
You'll also need to check the checkbox for "I confirm that all recipients granted their permission to be send this email".
When you've completed both steps, click on the send button at the bottom of the page.
Click on SEND to send your email campaign.
After you've clicked the send button, your PhotoBiz account gets to work for you and sends out your email campaign to your select list of contacts. Once you've sent out your campaign, you'll also have access to the tracking report that shows how your email campaign has performed for you.