The main purpose of blog post tags is to categorize your blog posts. This is very useful for your readers so that if they are only interested in one type of post, they can jump right to all your posts with that specific tag instead of having to scroll through blog posts they aren't interested in via a Tag Cloud. A tag can be a single word or a phrase.
An example would be a photographer that does maternity and newborn photography, and the photographer tags her newborn posts with "newborn photography" and her maternity posts with "maternity photography". If a viewer comes to the blog and has already had her baby and doesn't need maternity photography services, the viewer can click on the newborn photography tag and see all the newborn posts without having to skip past newborn posts.
Log into your PhotoBiz account and click on BLOG in the left side menu.
Click on the blog post title that you want to tag or create a new blog post.
Click on the ADD TAGS link on the upper left side of your blog post. The menu will slide out on the right to add your blog post tags to your post.
Type in each tag you'd like to use on your blog post individually. Any tags you've used previously will also auto populate into this section to make it easier to apply frequently used tags.
Click on Save Changes once you've entered the tags you want to use on your post.
To delete a tag, follow the same steps and click on the trash can icon next to the tag to remove it.
Click on SAVE CHANGES to apply the change.