Log into your PhotoBiz account and click on WEBSITE in the left-side menu.
The Title Block is the 1st icon at the top of the available blocks you can add to your page. To add one you can click on it and add it to the bottom of the page or click and hold the Title icon and drag it to your preferred location on your page. A teal bar will help with the location if you're moving the title block around the page.
Once the Title Block is on your page, click anywhere inside the block and the editor will open on the right hand side of your screen.
Title Text
The first icon in the EDIT TITLE menu will be the text section. You can enter the text you'd like to appear in the title block in this section. Any text used in the title block will be an H1 Tag on your web page.
Click on Save Changes to add your text to your title block.
The Text Alignment on a title block is centered. The Space Below Block, and Space Inside Blocks by default are controlled by the global styling settings for your site found under the DESIGN tab. You can customize your settings and override the defaults for the title block in this section.
- Text Alignment: Change the alignment of your title to be left, right, or centered on your page.
- Space Below Blocks: Controls the amount of space before the next block begins.
- Space Inside Blocks: Controls the amount of space at the top and bottom of a block.
Not sure if you have created an override to the global settings in your account? The CUSTOMIZED label will appear next to any of the settings that have been changed from the global settings. Customized settings will remain in effect even if you change your template. Click the "x" to remove the customization.
Click on Save Changes to apply your updates to Text Alignment and Space Options.
The colors used in your text block by default will use your global color scheme. You can override your global color settings to customize the colors used in the title block in this section.
- Title Color: This is the font color of your title block text. By default, this will be set to the Accent 1 color in your global color scheme. Click on the color square or enter the HEX color code to customize it.
- Background Color: This is the background color of your title block. By default, this color will be set to the Site Background color in your global color scheme. To customize it for the block, click on the color square to select a color or enter the HEX color code.
Click on Save Changes to apply your changes to your title block colors. The customized message will apply to any colors you've changed from your default color scheme settings.
By default, the title block will be the color applied to the Background Color setting in the color picker. You can bring more attention to your text by adding a background image. You can upload your own custom background image or choose one from the Background Library.
If you upload a Custom Background or select a file from the Background Library, you can customize how the background image is displayed under the Background Settings from the following 4 different options:
- Tile: Will tile your image to fill the background
- Top Left: Will align your image to the top left
- Centered: Will align your image at the center of the available space
- Cover: Will scale your image to be as large as possible to completely cover the background
Click on Save Changes to apply your changes to the background settings.
You can easily customize the fonts you're using on your title block to override your global font settings. You can change the font, font size, letter spacing (kerning), and line height for any of the following items in your title:
Click on Save Changes at the bottom of the control panel menu to apply your changes.
If you have any questions about the Title block, please give our Support Team a call toll-free at 866.463.7620 or send us a live chat from your PhotoBiz control panel. We're available Monday - Friday 9:00am - 8:00pm EST and we're happy to help you however we can.