You can easily reschedule a customer's appointment in your PhotoBiz Scheduler control panel. This guide will walk you through the steps of rescheduling an appointment that is already booked but has not happened to another available time and date.
Log into your PhotoBiz account and click on SCHEDULER on the left side menu.
Locate the APPOINTMENT and click on the appointment that you wish to reschedule for your client.
Click on the RESCHEDULE button for the appointment you're trying to change.
Choose the new DATE and AVAILABLE TIME for the appointment. Click on the SAVE button to update the appointment to the rescheduled date and time slot.
Once you've clicked on the save button, the appointment has been rescheduled and your client will get a confirmation email sent out for the new, updated appointment time similar to the one below. This will also update the availability on your scheduler automatically so that your previous time slot becomes available and the new time slot is booked on your scheduler.