Images are sorted in your PhotoBiz Client Galleries events by file name. The PhotoBiz file system uses a database to display images and will read file names in strict alpha-numeric order. The alpha-numeric order is the sequence in which they're displayed once the images are uploaded to your Client Galleries Event.
You can re-order your images by dragging and dropping them once they're uploaded but if you prefer to have them in order when you upload them, this guide will show you how to use file names to display them in your preferred order.
Example: If your files are named 1.jpg, 2.jpg, 3.jpg, and so forth, you will find the database will sort them from 1.jpg, 10.jpg, 11.jpg, on to 2.jpg, then 20.jpg, 21.jpg, then 3.jpg, 30.jpg, 31.jpg.
To correct this, you will need to rename your files so that all your file names include the same number of characters. The number of characters you give your file names will depend on how many files you wish to upload.
Example: If you're uploading 500 images, you'll want to use 3 characters. Your file names should be named as follows: 001.jpg, 002.jpg, 003.jpg,....010.jpg, 011.jpg, 012.jpg,....498.jpg, 499.jpg, 500.jpg.
Example: If you're uploading 1,000 images, you'll want to use 4 characters. Your file names should be numbered as follows: 0001.jpg, 0002.jpg, 0003.jpg,....0010.jpg, 0011.jpg, 0012.jpg,....0100.jpg, 0101.jpg, 0102.jpg,....0998.jpg, 0999.jpg, 1000.jpg.
The easiest way to rename your images in this way will be to batch-rename the group of files.
Batch Renaming Your Files with Adobe Lightroom
Batch Renaming Your Files with Adobe Bridge
When you've successfully renamed your files and you want to upload them, click the "add files" button, instead of dragging and dropping to ensure that they upload correctly.
Make sure all your files in the batch you are uploading are numbered in this manner. If your file names are 001, 002, 003, 004, 05, 006, and so on, the 05 file will be uploaded as 049, 05, 050, 051 instead of in the 5th spot.
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