Log into your PhotoBiz account and click on WEBSITE in the left side menu.
Click on the SETTINGS option at the top of your Website control panel.
Click on the BLOG WIDGET option in the list of options under Settings and then click on the NEW WIDGET button.
Choose the type of widget you'd like to add to your Blog. You have the following 3 options available in the drop down menu.
- Archive - allows you to create an archive of blog posts at the bottom of your posts that will organize posts by the year and month they were published.
- Form - allows you to insert a form on your blog posts to allow people to subscribe to updates you send out with marketing.
- Tag - allows you to create a Tag Cloud that will appear at the bottom of each post and display the most popular tags you've used on your blog posts.
Once you've made your selection, click on CREATE WIDGET and your widget will appear on each of your blog posts.