Log into your PhotoBiz account and click on FORMS in the left-side menu.
Click on the Form Name you want to edit your radio buttons or create a new form and add a radio button selection field.
You can edit the radio button form field two (2) different ways.
Option 1: You can edit the title and description for this field by clicking directly on the text for radio title and radio description.
You can also click on the text for the options to edit existing options and click in the blank option to type and add additional options.
Simply click on the trash can icon to the right of your options to delete them from the radio button field.
Option 2: Click on the pencil icon on the top right of your radio select field and click on Advanced in the menu that appears.
The Radio Button advanced options will allow you to add new choices, delete existing choices, as well as add a limit to how many times a choice can be selected and add a fee to selecting the option in the form.
To add a submission limit or an additional fee to your radio button selection, simply click on the option title.
You can add an additional fee and set a quantity to the number of times this selection can be made.
This section also allows you to add conditional fields to your radio button selections.