Email Marketing tool is included with the PhotoBiz Website Package and allows you to interact with your clients-- and see how effective you're being-- on a whole new level. Below are some tips and recommendations to help make sure you're using this tool to its fullest potential:
Encourage repeat business
Its a lot easier to keep repeat business than to attract new business. Having your existing customers in your contact list makes it super easy to send them an incentive (or just a friendly reminder of your services) using a well-timed email.
Tag your forms and contacts to create contact lists
Your campaigns will do the best when they are highly targeted. It can be difficult to craft one email campaign that would speak to all different kinds of customers in your contact list. To create targeted contacts automatically, use the tag feature in your custom forms so that contacts derived from that form will automatically be placed in the appropriate category(ies).
If you have some contacts that aren't tagged, you can always go back into your contacts list and add tags if needed. Click here for instructions.
Don't forget social media!
When you've created a campaign and sent it out to your lists, consider sharing your campaign on social media. This is a great way to use something you've created once to serve multiple purposes. It will also get the word out to your followers who may not have interacted with your business as leads or customers yet.
Use to drive traffic to your Website, Blog, and More
Do you have an upcoming mini session you're wanting to promote? Do you have a new blog post you want to showcase? You can tell your clients about it using an email traffic to help drive traffic to your website.