You can use PhotoBiz ECommerce to sell your fine art prints online without using client galleries. If your pricing and/or sizes available vary per image, you will need to create a separate product for each image you want to sell. This allows you to control the sizes and prices available for each individual image.
Another reason to use this method is if you'd like the opportunity to explain and describe each image to the viewer. Sometimes having a story attached to an image can entice people to buy. This guide will walk you through the steps of adding fine art prints to your ECommerce as products.
Utilizing this method will produce a buying experience similar to the one shown below:
Log into your PhotoBiz account and click on ECOMMERCE in the left side menu.
Mouse over the SELL ONLINE option at the top of your ECommerce control panel and click on PRODUCTS in the drop down menu that opens.
Set up a new product by clicking on the NEW PRODUCT button.
PRO TIP: You can also create PRODUCT CATEGORIES if you're going to sell different types of fine art prints.
Enter the NAME of image and a DESCRIPTION and enter the price as 0 (don't worry, we will add pricing later). You can also control the following settings for the Fine Art Print you're adding:
- CHARGE TAX: Whether or not you're charging sales tax.
- CHARGE SHIPPING: Whether or not you're charging shipping.
- ADDITIONAL SHIPPING: Charge an additional shipping price for this product.
- ACTIVE: Whether you want this product to be active on your website or not.
Click on CREATE PRODUCT at the bottom of the screen.
After the product is created, navigate to the IMAGES tab on the left and upload your fine art image or insert it from the image clipboard. You can also upload multiple images here if you'd like to show off photos of the image in a frame, different paper options, or anything else.
You can also click on the image thumbnail and add alt text to your product image.
You can add your pricing with the OPTIONS section. This will allow you to create an OPTION for clients to choose the size of print they want to purchase and include a price with the SUB-OPTION.
Click on the OPTIONS button in the list of product options in the product settings and then click on the NEW OPTION button to create the option to Select Your Print Size for your clients and set it to be required.
Click on the SAVE CHANGES button to create your option.
Enter your print size as the SUB-OPTION NAME, this will create the 1st option in a drop-down on your product and this is where you can include your price for your prints.
You'll see the following fields in this screen:
- ADDITIONAL PRICE: What the price is for your print size
- OPTIONAL TEXT FIELD: The optional text field will give your client the ability to provide special instructions when they place the order such as personalization. To enable this set the Required field to yes.
- REQUIRED: Whether or not this text field is required or not.
- LABEL: The label for the text field
- DESCRIPTION: The message or instructions for the text field.
- IMAGES: You can add a specific product image to this product sub-option via upload or image clipboard.
To save your information, choose add option at the bottom.
You can repeat this step to add your available print sizes for the fine art print.
Setting up options and sub-options is easier when you think of each Option as a multiple-choice question (e.g. size, frame, medium, etc.) and each Sub-option as one of the possible answers to that question (e.g. 5x7, 10x12, etc.).
You can also add options for medium (canvas, glass, metal prints), frames, etc. if applicable.
After you've created a product for the first image, you'll use this product as a template to create your other products. By creating a copy and updating the name, image, and prices of options, you will save time by not having to create the same or similar options over and over again, you'll just have to update what changes for that particular image.
Last, you'll need to adjust your settings in E-Commerce so that the price of the item is hidden until greater than $0. To access this, hover over settings and click on general. Make sure to click save changes after you've made your selection.