Log into your PhotoBiz account and click on MY ACCOUNT in the left-side menu.
Mouse over the settings option at the top, center of the My Account control panel.
Under Choose a Language, the drop down menu will allow you to select the following languages for your website to display in:
- English
- Spanish
- French
- Italian
Simply select the language you prefer in the drop down menu and scroll to the bottom of the page and click on save changes to apply the language you prefer to your website.
STEP FOUR (Optional)
You can also adjust the labels throughout your site by replacing the current label with your custom label. Custom labels will highlight in lime green. You can customize any of the following labels in your PhotoBiz account for both the Singular and Plural versions:
- Appointment
- Buy
- Cart
- Comment
- Coupon
- Event
- Favorite
- Featured
- Gallery
- Gift Card
- Image
- Invoice
- Other Items
- Post
- Product
- Service
- Tag
Click on Save Changes to apply any custom labels to your website.